Saturday, April 27, 2013

All Things New: Babies of Tanzania

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                                   Baby Animals.

 A response to cuteness is built into our natures by biology. Mammal babies release the AWWWW response in adult mammals by having big round heads, little ears, big eyes, little mouths. It helps that they are small, soft,  rounded and clumsy.

 In some species males will kill infants of their own group, but usually infant status buys babies some slack, and adults protect them.

Mother animals often will protect their infants even with their lives.

Hungry predators certainly eat other guy's babies,  but even so there are numerous stories of cross-species mothering. Dogs raising squirrels, cats raising rats. Dogs nurturing  fawns. A tiger nursing baby pigs.

 In captivity many apes have cared for kittens and puppy pets.  A baby is a baby, and a mammal is preset to care for the young.

 Infants are seriously cute, and apparently not just to humans. Lets hear it now for baby critters. AWWWW!

Here are a bakers dozen baby animals we managed to photograph.

Are they all cute? I’ll vote, and you see if you agree with me.

                                        Baby lions. My vote:  Seriously cute!

                                       Baby Jackals.  Oh yeah.  Cute.

                          Baby leopards are almost too elegant to call cute.
                                 Exquisite is a better word.                                     


           Hyena baby.  Mommy is in the grass next to it.  Ears are cute!


                            Mama Hippo may disagree, but I vote not so cute.

                 Disney's Dumbo.  Oh yes, this strange little guy is cute.



                                        Young "boys" being boys

                                      I didn't find the baboons babies very cute.  

                                Interesting to see the family groups.  Not cute.

                                                       Monkey, cute.  


                Cape Buffalo.  Not cute.  Not at all.  But certainly Mommy thinks so. 

                                 The herd took a defensive position around the young ones.  

                          A guinea pig sized baby rock hyrax  

The parents are groundhog size. The weird thing is, they are more closely related to elephants than groundhogs or rodents of any sort.          

                                                Cute, in the fur.

        Giraffes didn't ring the cute bell for me.  Too exactly like adult Giraffes,                                Oh, I don't know.  Pretty at least.  Maybe cute.


                                               Well, sure fawns are cute.  


                                             Domestic Maasai animals

The kid was brand new.  I mean hours.  It was cute practicing jumping around, and getting tangled up. The calf was just a skinny little calf.  I felt sorry for the cow, who seemed to be doing her best for the little thing.

                                         cute                                                                              not

I have conducted a serious study here and found that I vote baby animals cute, maybe adorable, 76 percent of the time.  Did you agree?  Post your results in the comments section!